Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Indigenous Theorization of Communication

Published in the Journal of Gramin Adarsha College:
Adhikary, Nirmala Mani. (2012). Indigenous theorization of communication. Rural Aurora, 1, 172-181.

Indigenous Theorization of Communication
Nirmala Mani Adhikary
Dept. of Languages and Mass Communication
Kathmandu University, Nepal

The paper presents an account of the sadharanikaran model of communication as an example of indigenous theorization. It also observes the advancement of communication towards multicultural, multidisciplinary, multi-paradigmatic discipline. In addition, it presents brief discussions on the discourse of Asiacentricity and the responsibilities of communication scholars before delineating the fundamentals of the sadharanikaran model.

Key words: Asiacentricity, communication model, communication theory, Hindu perspective, indigenous theorization, sadharanikaran model of communication, sahridayata, Western paradigm.