"The Bhatta-Mimamsa Philosophical Study of Communication"
What I
have done in my doctoral dissertation (Ph.D. Thesis)?
Following are the things I have accomplished through my doctoral dissertation (Ph.D. Thesis):
(1) Envisaged and initiated interdisciplinary research of Mimamsa philosophy and communication discipline;
(2) Explored and interpreted the insights contained in Mimamsa philosophy which are relevant to modern discipline of knowledge;
(3) Theorized communication from the perspective of the Bhatta School of Mimamsa philosophy; and
(4) Constructed the Bhatta-Mimamsa Model of Communication.
doctoral dissertation "The Bhatta-Mimamsa Philosophical Study of Communication"
theorizes communication according to the Bhatta School of Mimamsa Philosophy,
and presents a unique communication model – named the Bhatta-Mimamsa Model of
Communication. In this course, it first explores the Bhatta School of Mimamsa Philosophy
from the perspective of communication and examines its relevance for the
communication discipline. Then, it draws on the Pramana and Prameya,
Abhihitanvayavada and Bhavana Theory as well as the Theory of Knowledge of the
Bhatta-Mimamsa Philosophy in order to theorize communication thereby
constructing 11 elements of communication as envisioned in the philosophy.
Finally, it presents the Bhatta-Mimamsa Model of Communication, in which the 11
elements of communication can be classified under four key-themes (namely,
Karta, Sadhan, Itikartavyata, and Sadhya). The model shows how the Bhavakas
(communicating parties) accomplish communication and the persuasion for Karma
is attained.Following are the things I have accomplished through my doctoral dissertation (Ph.D. Thesis):
(1) Envisaged and initiated interdisciplinary research of Mimamsa philosophy and communication discipline;
(2) Explored and interpreted the insights contained in Mimamsa philosophy which are relevant to modern discipline of knowledge;
(3) Theorized communication from the perspective of the Bhatta School of Mimamsa philosophy; and
(4) Constructed the Bhatta-Mimamsa Model of Communication.